Looking forward to 2021
We are not a fan of New Year’s Resolutions. Why wait a whole year to make a set of new rules which are almost always too wide ranging and impossible to follow. But 2020 has been such a difficult year. Reflecting on how we can emerge - when we do - from this worldwide crisis better and stronger collectively and as individuals is surely positive.
Our reflection is to renew and keep our attention on the lifestyle changes that we can continually make in our lives, which we hope will have an overall big impact. This is less overwhelming than trying to change completely overnight (which we have tried and failed at). And to try and give as much support as we can to collective action for accelerating climate policy changes. Whilst we do not like Resolutions we do like a List. So we thought we would write a top #10 List for ourselves to follow and try to tick off as quickly as we can. More on this as we move onwards to 2021. Happy New Year all!